For all the self-starters out there, who have taken
on the world few have been able to stay afloat. One such company based
in Florida has not only sustained their brand but have expanded it.
From what began with an idea of two innovative young men has sprouted
into a full-service media group. MSCS Media
which began with no clients has now busted out with a stable of clients
in the nine years it has been in business.
The company offers such services like Web Development, Digital Marketing,
Web Design Branding, and Web Hosting. Outside of these services they have
also been busy with booking high-end interviews with incredible talent
around the world. One of the owners of the company, who will call T, is
the one who handles and sets up the unique interviews. T searches for
interviewees who can educate his listener base which has grown to 68 thousand
subscribers on YouTube.
He has brought on anyone from politicians to ex-gangsters. The studio is located in the scenic part of Palm Beach Florida which will probably be soon known for hosting some of the most notorious ex-mobsters ever. T has already interviewed Larry Mazza (ex-Colombo Family member), John Alite (ex-enforcer for the Gambino Family), Anthony Ruggiano Jr (Gambinos), Michael Dowd (ex-detective), Lilo Brancato (actor Bronx Tale) and many other types of personalities.
One of his most interesting guests was Robert Bado who invented the anti-propulsion system that has now since been tested and completed that can travel at 99.9% the speed of light and get to Mars in seven days. It is just waiting on the license and all the red tape.
T currently is working with John Alite on a special segment for the
holidays called "Prison Blues" dedicated to the unfortunate
men and women behind bars during this time of year. The title is a
play off a book John Alite co-authored with Nick Christophers called
"Prison Rules" (https://www.amazon.com/dp/1692583263).
If folks are looking for a different spin on celebrities, wiseguys
and sports figures MSCS Media is a one stop shop: https://mscsmedia.com

"So, John just got with me, and we did this deal about
a month ago. Prior to that it was just me and my engineer Robert Moore.
I was doing marketing as I have for over fifteen years but sitting at a
computer all day wears on you, so as time went on I started to watch Joe Rogan,
then a friend of mine opened a YouTube
channel called True Crime with Matthew Cox, he kept saying I should
do a YouTube channel
over and over so then the more and more I watched Rogan the more I debated
it eventually I said, I like this Idea.
So that's how MSCS Media
came about and was the motivation behind it. The first 3 months I bought
all the wrong hardware software it was bad and one day rather than give
up I said you know what Joe Rogan is the GOAT but I believe I can make
this work an literally down to the chairs. I went on his website that
list all his hardware and bought every single thing he has as well as software."