"My private practice, Transition & Thrive with María, serves women as
I guide them through my comprehensive career & life coaching and mentoring
programs. We start with deep self-assessments that build confidence, bring clarity,
and focus on answering questions like who am I now that things have changed, what
matters most, and what do I want that is different than what I have? Then for
career clients, we refine the same technical skills I mentioned for the consulting
side of my business."
As we all learn in life, nothing is perfect, and we tend to slip into our shells
or ignore the reality right before us when it isn't. Especially now, after we
experienced the pandemic, the anxiety it created was likely not a welcome chapter.
This could be the case for women and men - not to exclude children.
María Tomás-Keegan has hit rock bottom in the past and questioned her
worth, knowing she had to find a way to bounce back somehow. She had to evaluate
the issue and found one of the solutions was to learn to be resilient. But, as
she explains, "The truth is no one is born knowing how to be resilient. We have
role models who lead the way; without one, it 's hard to see the path for yourself."
This being the case, María has dedicated her life to helping others become
more resilient. Of course, people can find guidance from their religious leaders
or licensed therapists. But what María offers is a coaching approach. She helps
to unlock her clients' potential and maximize their performance while creating
a foundation built on values and designing a vision rooted in what they want for
themselves in the future.
One of her many recent success stories was with her client, Kristen, who not only
rebounded from her previous career challenge but improved her situation. Kristen
was an executive in higher education for decades as a fixer of accreditation issues.
But, once she resolved the problems, the university no longer required her services
and laid her off. It happened several times. So, when Kristen found María,
her self-esteem and confidence were at an all-time low, and she needed to figure
out what was next, so history didn 't repeat itself. María guided her to define
her skills, what she loves to do, and what she doesn't want to do anymore, which
helped her find a better-suited position doing what she loves.
Even though her private practice serves women, she also coaches men in similar
circumstances. She is a consultant for companies that support laid-off individuals.
María concentrates on positioning them for what they want next, refining their
resumes, and building a strategic map to find the best opportunities. In addition,
she assists in preparing for interviews, evaluating offers, and negotiating for
what they deserve.
María is passionate about being a resource for women and sharing other resources.
So, five years ago, she created her podcast Tips for the Transition | The Career
Roadmap and recently launched its sixth season. Every week she speaks with
inspiring experts and influencers globally about careers and personal development,
relationships, leadership, problem-solving, decision-making, balance, self-care,
and how to take your dreams to the next level.

As she quotes on her website: "Facing a change
can be daunting. You might wonder, 'Who am I now?' and 'What should I do next?'
It's a discovery process and one of my specialties. You get to explore a new
way of looking at things to get crystal-clear about who you are now, what you
want, and how to make the changes happen with new-found confidence and resilience."
So far, María has written many books on helping women
cope with change and transition. But there is one special book for María,
titled "Upside Down to Right Side Up ~ Turning Transition into Triumph."
It is special because, at one of her speaking engagements, a participant gave
María the idea to develop a book on what she discussed that day. So inspired,
María set out to write the book in which she shares some of her upside-down
moments, the stages of transition she experienced, and several client case studies.
The book ends with activities to help women get started on their transition journey.
María has been an asset to many women and, on occasion, men as a career &
life coach and mentor. A welcomed guiding light who leads by example.
Her mission is to provide women with tips, strategies, best practices, and practical
advice on how to be better, do better and make a bigger impact in their worlds. The
show streams live on YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook each Wednesday at 1 pm ET and
will soon be streaming on Roku and Amazon. Plus, you can find the podcast on major
podcast directories like Apple, Spotify, Google, and iHeart.